2010年1月29日 星期五

Cacti MacTrack fix

#1 步驟一,請執行以下指令
cd /var/www/html/plugins/mactrack/
mysql cacti < mactrack.sql
mysql cacti < mactrack.sql.0.0.1
php database_upgrade.php #重要,請執行兩次

#2 步驟二,進行檔案置換 (既有檔案有問題)
cd /var/www/html/plugins/mactrack/lib/
cp mactrack_cisco.php mactrack_cisco.php_bak
cp mactrack_functions.php mactrack_functions.php_bak
(See attached file: mactrack_lib.zip)
-unzip mactrack_lib.zip and put to replace mactrack_cisco.php and mactrack_functions.php

#3 步驟三,請將以下參數調整
Settings: Poller> 'Script and Script Server Timeout Value' (I set mine to 300)
Settings: Device Tracking> 'Start Time for Data Collection'

#4 步驟四,就可以進行加入設備的操作
a. first Add Site
b. second Add Device
c. check import database is right
d. modify device types to match device config
e. check the process is running


about document from Neo Wen
I try to import the downloaded file from ...standard.ieee oui.txt.
but it doesn't work. In the mactrack dir I try following
"php mactrack_import_ouidb.php -f=oui.txt"
the oui.txt file is in the same dir

php mactrack_import_ouidb.php -f=oui.txt

php -q mactrack_scanner.php -id=1 -d #scan mac
php -q poller_mactrack.php -f #poll mac to mac view
php poller_mactrack.php -f -d

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